We like to fish and enjoy the outdoors!
Welcome to the Southeast Montgomery County PA chapter of Trout Unlimited. We invite you to check out our next meeting. Our chapter meetings are held:
- Time: 7:00 PM - 2nd Tuesday of the Month, Sept.- June
- Location: Pennypack Ecological Restoration Trust Visitor's Center at 2955 Edge Hill Road in Huntingdon Valley, PA 19006
Our Home Water - Pennypack Creek
Chapter Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/groups/124123100975505/
-Please note the payor and purpose: for example, Joe Smith - banquet, stocking,Trout in the Classroom ...
- Conserving, educating, protecting and restoring the Pennypack Creek Watershed -
We are a grass roots group of dedicated fishermen in the Philadelphia region (Southeastern Montgomery County, Northeast Philadelphia and neighboring parts of lower Bucks County), whose purposes are:
1. To conserve, protect and restore our local cold water streams and fisheries and their watersheds.
2. To study, understand and enhance our wild trout resources.
3. To pass on our love and knowledge for the sport to the next generation of anglers in our area. This is done by person-to-personinteractions, by group participation at meetings and activities and with partnership with other local organizations during community fishing derbies and stream cleanup days.
The Southeast Montgomery County Chapter of Trout Unlimited, Chapter # 468, is located in the suburbs of Philadelphia in the Huntingdon Valley area of Southeastern Pennsylvania. We are committed to preserving wild and native trout streams, restoring, repairing and enhencing trout streams and rivers, and the habitats that support these waters. The goal is to ensure their survival for future generations of fishermen and others who care about and realize the importance of healthy watersheds to the entire ecosystem.
At TU meetings we enjoy each others company, discuss conservation issues, plan stream cleanup days, stream restoration projects and work days on our home waters, such as, the Pennypack Creek and other streams in this watershed. We also plan and organize fundraisers and sponsor programs such as "Fish with a Friend", for members in search of fishing partners, educational programs such as fly fishing clinics and Trout in the Classroom, and participate in local youth fishing derbies. Other Chapter activities include fly tying and rod building seminars, field stream studies, guest speakers and educational slides and videos. Our Chapter also takes annual trips to Penns Creek and other renowned trout fisheries throughout the United States.
- President: Richard Terry-Email: RTroadrash@MSN.com/ (215) 429 - 2850
- Membership Chairman: Den Mora-Email: DenMora@Comcast.net
Mailing Address: PO Box 154, Abington PA 19001
TU Chapter # 468